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The Million Manual Project:

The curious case of the printed manual it is. Worldwide surveys show that users of products or services including those on the internet, rarely read manuals resulting in the tremendous pressure on the level 1 of the service cycle - the call center ( this is another story ). Mostly users will not be able to trace it within 12 - 16 weeks of purchase of the product. It not only is not helping the customer, it is actually adding to the problem - both environmental ( the paper, the chemicals and the carbon footprint for transporting and shipping them ) as wellas its impact on ( negative of course ) the bottom line. There is simply no case for the printed manual to exist.

Showhow2 is initiating The Million Manual Project at CES 2011. It will work with environmental groups, corporates and Consumer Electronics manufacturers and marketers to eliminate printed manuals from the packaging of all products. As its own contribution towards this Showhow2, Inc. is proposing to digitize a manual and put it up in a common site, adequately cross referenced for easy finding at its own cost for all manufacturers. All you need to do is send the manual in to Showhow2,Inc. and we will get it digitized and put up online. No one will ever need to keep one or print one or find one. The manufacturers will be able to host the digitized manuals in their own site for download or link to the Million Manual Project site/link that Showhow2 will provide.

Write in to participate or for details to mmp@showhow2.com